WAMTA Accreditation

I’m proud to be a West Australian Music Teachers Association (WAMTA) Accredited teacher. To be recognised as such, I’ve had to prove that I have the requisite qualifications for my instruments, a track record of successful teaching, and an ongoing commitment to professional development.

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Kai Joins the Hall of Fame

One of the apps I use with students is Rhythm Swing, which helps students learn to follow rhythms precisely. They must both tap the rhythm precisely on the beat and hold the notes for the correct (exact!) length. It takes beginners a while to be able to confidently do both…

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The Importance of Communication

… And Honouring Your Lesson Time Slot

I’m a parent, so I understand that things happen.

Children get sick. Work or events may run late. Or you may get a good run of traffic and end up very early.

But please understand also that if these things are going to impact your music lesson, please communicate with me as soon as possible so that I don’t end up with a day like today… which sadly happens more often than it should.

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Introduction of Late Fees

When I first started teaching, my payment terms were set such that payment for the month ahead was due by the first lesson in the first week of the month at the latest. With the move to automated billing software many years ago (5 or 6 years?), the due dates…

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2020 Enrolments Open

Enrolments for new and transferring students looking to commence lessons in Term 1 (week commencing Monday 3rd of February) are now open! The following lesson times are currently available: Monday: 3:15pm taken 5:00pm taken Tuesday: 3:30pm 4:15pm 5:00pm Wednesday: 3:15pm NEW 4:30pm taken Thursday: 3:45pm Saturday: 10:45am Sign up for…

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New Rockschool Syllabus

To date I am the only piano teacher in Perth who has been submitting students for the Rockschool exams! I have the entire set of books for the first series of the syllabus which came out in 2015. The 2019 syllabus has now come out and has seen all new…

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Better Practice App

Home practise can be quite a challenge, which I know of first hand with my own children taking music lessons on other instruments! I am constantly looking at ways to make it easier for everyone to make sure it (a) happens and (b) is effective, as the main reason for…

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Rockschool Showcase

A couple of my students have now successfully completed exams using the Rockschool Piano syllabus. It’s a fabulous contemporary option that the students who have worked with it have really enjoyed. The AMEB are putting on a Rockschool showcase at the end of the month, and one of my students…

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