AMEB Piano Exams

There are a variety of options for Piano exams through the Australian Music Examinations Board (AMEB) these days, with a choice of Comprehensive or Repertoire examinations face to face, or pre-recorded video (Repertoire only) exams.

Piano (Classical) and Piano for Leisure exams are held every week between April and November at the UWA Claremont campus (which is NOT the same as the main UWA campus in Crawley – see map).

Students will require:

  • AMEB Technical Workbook – a once off cost, which covers multiple grades (supplied first)
  • How to Blitz General Knowledge – a once off cost, which will cover all grades (supplied closer to their first exam)
  • The Repertoire Book for their exam level (one per grade)
  • A metronome (many app choices available)

For those with an aural component to the exams, the AMEB AuralBook app can help with preparation. The free version has 3 practise questions for each type of test; more tests can be purchased. Please connect to me as a teacher to receive a discount!

For those with a sight reading component to the exams, I highly recommending also working with Samantha Coates’ “How to Blitz Sight Reading” (1 book covers several grades), and regularly practising with Piano Maestro.

Scale Randomisers

For face to face exams, scales will be asked in a random order. Once scales are confident, it is a good idea to practise them in random orders to minimise relying on muscle memory of a specific order.

I have compiled the following random wheels to use during the lessons; they can also be used at home:

Piano for Leisure

Classical Piano

AMEB (WA) Exam Dates and Fees

I prefer to enter students for the exams, to ensure that the correct options are chosen and pieces entered, as well as any additional documentation required for video exams. Once the student is ready to register for an exam, I will discuss the registration with a parent, and will provide an invoice for the exam fee. Once I receive the payment, I can proceed with lodging the registration.

For full details see: AMEB WA Exam Dates and Fees and Video Exam Guide

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