Lesson Times
Lessons are a weekly commitment for children. This is a 2 way commitment – I commit to making myself available at the agreed lesson time every week, and I expect students to make their music lesson a priority. Pre-payment of your lesson will reserve your lesson time for you for the month ahead.
Missing a lesson for any reason does not require me to provide additional lesson time. I simply do not have the capacity to offer make-up lessons, and found that when I did offer them, piano lessons were not treated as a priority. It is not fair to expect me to reorganise my schedule to accommodate your social life. The flat fee structure has 4 absences built in to allow you to miss some lessons without fear of “missing out”. I am able to offer online classes for the student to learn from home if they are unwell or isolating, or do not have an adult available to drive them.
If I need to cancel a lesson – which is only done in extenuating circumstances (e.g. if I become sick) – I will arrange a replacement lesson outside of my regular working hours to honour my side of the commitment.
Lessons continue year round; if a lesson falls on a public holiday we can discuss whether the lesson will go ahead, whether an alternate date would suit in the case of Christmas, or whether it will be used as one of the built in absences.
Regular lesson slots are not available to adults, unless they commenced lessons with me as a child and have continued in their same weekly lesson slot after 18. Casual lessons are available to be booked online by adults at a mutually convenient time during school hours.
Lesson Fees
Children’s lessons are paid via a flat fee each month. This fee does not reflect the number of lessons conducted that month, but smooths out payment over the full year, allowing for a certain number of absences. Students who are never absent effectively enjoy bonus “free” lessons.
Lesson and theory books are NOT included as part of the lesson fee. I will provide warning when we are getting close to needing a new book, and parents can purchase books online.
Payment must be made via direct debit, 7 days before the start of the month ahead.
Older Students under a grandfathered system that is being phased out have invoices emailed out 7 days before the start of the month.
Overdue payments will automatically incur a $10 Late Fee.
Regular late payment of tuition will result in the termination of lessons.
Practising between Lessons
Practising between lessons is essential. What is expected of practising at home is detailed in on the Home Practise Expectations page. Please log into the Student Portal to record how much practice is done and access resources that will help make practise easier.
If an iPad is available at home, I will also assign sight reading practice via the Piano Maestro app, which I pay a monthly subscription for so that my current students can access it for free.